The 2013 SGC Awards
November 2 saw the annual awards banquet of the Seattle Glider Council (SGC), as usual for some time now at Ivar’s Salmon House at Lake Union. In addition to a social gathering at the end of the season this was the time to recognize special efforts and special performances during the past year in the greater SGC area (which sometimes extends to beyond Washington state.).
Several Evergreen members received special honors:
Special Recognition for a lifetime of service to the soaring community:
Ted Goble and Pierre Parent
(both of whom have towed generations of soaring pilots into the blue yonder).
Cloyd Artman Memorial Award for pioneering effort or outstanding flight
Ron Clark
for helping to develop the Twisp soaring site and achieving the third longest
flight in the basin (from Twisp) with a July 28 flight of 611.44 km..
And Movses Babayan received triple honors:
Student Pilot Achievemnet Award
from solo pilot to PPL to XC slying
Knight of the Open Field
for making his first off-field landing during a XC flight
SGC Honor Award – Most Outstanding Service to the Soaring Community
for coordinating the successful Museum of Flight EXPO and
building an interactive website for Evergreen Soaring while pursuing XC flying.
Congratulations to the above and thanks for your commitment to the soaring community!