The 2017 Awards Banquet

November 4, 2017 saw the well attended annual SGC awards banquet at the Wilde Rover restaurant in Kirkland. After enjoying a lively social hour and a nice dinner it was time for the awards and trophies to be handed out by awards chairman Craig Funston. Evergreen Soaring members were well represented. So here are the various winners:
Special Certificate (expression of appreciation for the dedication and effort given to our sport)
Steve Northcraft,
Jim Simmons,
Heinz Gehlhaar,
Lennart Edvinson,
Chris Gunther.
Student achievement Matt Allen (15 years old)
Safety Award Noel Wade (Ephrata safety video, etc.)
Unsung Hero Award Jim McNeil (long standing service as webmaster and secretary)
Tow pilot Duane Bahr (85 SGC tows)
Joe Robertson Altitude Trophy
Bill Ling (17, 649 ft with a gain of 13,927ft , Ephrata, 6/21)
Off-field landing Bill Ling (same flight as above)
Cloyd Artmann Memorial Award
Ron Clark 4 day soaring excursion to Walla Walla and Ephrata and back to Arlington (5/26 to 6/29)
Arnold J.Carson Memorial Award
Ron Clark (628 km from Twisp on 6/28)
CBSA Broken Leg Trophy
Ron Clark (611 km from Twisp on 6/30)
Cascade Conquest Award
Ron Clark (Arlington to Walla Walla on 5/26) and
(Ephrata to Arlington on 5/29)
Phil Rose/ Paul Adriance (Arlington to nr. Davenport
and Ephrata on 5/26)
F. Hermanspann/ K. McCrary (Arlington to Ephrata on 5/26)
SGC Honor Award (outstanding service to the soaring community)
Movses Babayan
Additional achievements:
Kelvyn Flavall 2 WS records (305 mi free tri, 210 mi OR),
759 km triangle from Ely NV, FAI diplome
Thomas V d Velde Silver badge on 1/28 from Arlington
Ron Clark “longest” flight (8:24 hrs., Twisp on 6/29)
Rudy Allemann 60 years of competitive XC soaring.
The evening concluded with some more story telling and appreciation for Mike Newgard for organizing the banquet.
Roger Frank 300 km Speed Trophy
Stu Larrimore 91.0 mph (handicapped), Mackay on 8/1