President's Message
President’s Notes for January
On January 1 the members of Evergreen Soaring held the annual New Year’s morning breakfast at the AWO clubhouse under cold but clear skies. We welcomed several new members who joined near the end of 2012 and hosted a few prospective members. A few members took a first-of-the-year glider ride behind the towing of JC Hauchecorne.
Volunteers continue as the life-blood of the club as operations would not be possible without them. After many years of energetic and persistent service Tony Puglisi has relinquished the formal role of Equipment Manager to Gary Paulin. Chris Murray is filling this role until Gary returns from his Florida hideaway to the Northwest this spring.I hear that Tony continues to pitch-in when he can.
John Gilbert has also resigned his formal role as Operations Director to focus more on flying his glider. Mark Nyberg has stepped up to take over from John, and Tom Flandro has volunteered to serve as assistant Operations Director to help keep our flying operations running smoothly.
We must continue a steady flow of member volunteers to continue on. Thanks to all the club volunteers who manage the field, maintain the equipment, build gear and facilities, maintain our web-site and calendar, tow, instruct, give demo rides, account for expenses, and serve on the Board. We’re all in this together!
I plan to focus attention on two areas during my year in office. First, maintain our record of safety at AWO and at our encampments, and improve procedures where we can to reduce risk to a minimum. So anticipate continued emphasis here. Second, reposition our major investments and financial resources to ensure a viable total fleet that we need for the long term. The next big step along those lines is to sell one of our 3 tow planes.
Of course, I can do nothing by myself. It takes the whole club pulling together to achieve all our objectives and continue a rewarding experience in this sport. See you on the field!
Marty Gibbins
President, Evergreen Soaring