Soaring Mount Everest continued

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As a follow-up to the 2/10/2014 article in eGlidepath, some more information has become available.  The flight over Mount Everest was made by Klaus Ohlmann – chief expedition pilot – and Finnish pilot Anssi Soila.  Anssi was also copilot in 2010 when Klaus Ohlmann set a triangular world record of 1750 km in the Andes, still the longest triangular soaring flight.  The Stemme S-10VT used for the Mount Everest flight was used as SAR and camera ship, while the primary S-10 had two underwing sensor pods for the scientific part of this MWP expedition.

The following video gives a good impression for the flying up to Mount Everest: 

Undoubtedly there will be more details coming out about this exciting expedition which may have helped to open up Nepal for future soaring.