Joe Patton Milestone

Joe PattonJoe Patton has been one of our more energetic and adventurous club members who won everybody over with his outgoing and engaging personality. He pursued a variety of interests, from sailing and bicycling to mountaineering, but his favorite was soaring. He was known as "Java Joe" in the club for his enthusiasm and coffee-toting during his service as secretary of our club. On June 18, 2005 the Board of Directors decided to honor Joe's memory with an achievement recognition that would recognize his outgoing and helpful spirit and serve as a stimulus to other pilots to challenge themselves in cross-country soaring.

The Joe Patton Milestone Recognition is given to any Evergreen Soaring pilot who, after June 8, 2005, completes a solo flight originating in Arlington or one of the neighboring airfields that includes a Silver badge distance leg. This is to recognize those who achieve this milestone in their soaring career and to serve as inspiration to others.

Such a flight does not have to be documented like an official Silver badge flight; the administrator (the current president of Evergreen Soaring or any designees) will rely largely on the honor system even though pictures, barograms or GPS files are encouraged. If such a flight is an FAI badge or Willy Burhen Cup flight, so much the better. The recognition will consist of a plaque on the wall of our clubhouse that lists the Evergreen Soaring pilots that have accomplished such a flight.

The Joe Patton Milestone Recognition is intended to encourage aspiring as well as experienced pilots to develop their flying skills and to expand their range of experience. Let's see this list grow!

Date Pilot Flight Aircraft
06/19/2005 Fred Hermanspann Fall City and back Chinook
06/19/2005 Brad Hill Fall City and back Apis-13
09/20/2005 Paul Adriance Skykomish and back Std. Libelle
Date Pilot Flight Aircraft
04/17/2006 Ernst Zwickie Wickersham to Haystack Std. Jantar
04/17/2006 Ron Clark Wickersham to Snohomish LS-1c
05/08/2006 Roy Parzyk Sumas Mt. and back Pik-20B
05/08/2006 Bruce Bullock Mount Vernon to Pilchuck Apis-13
05/09/2006 JC Hauchecome ? PW-5
06/19/2006 Myles Bradley Canadian Border and back Std. Astir
Date Pilot Flight Aircraft
04/25/2008 Dan Housler Mt. Vernon to Monroe Cirrus 17.7
05/24/2008 Brian Hood Jim Creek to North Bend DG-303
06/25/2008 Chuck Anderson Threefinger to Mt. Baker Apis-15
09/07/2008 Mike Reid Arlington to Glacier Peak Std. Libelle
Date Pilot Flight Aircraft
04/24/2009 Kevin Finke Arlington to Glacier Peak ASW-20/24
05/03/2009 John Gilbert Oso to Mt. Stickney Std. Cirrus
05/05/2009 Lynn Weller AWO to Bellingham DG-1000
Date Pilot Flight Aircraft
04/25/2010 Noel Wade KAWO to near Baker Lake Dam DG-300
05/08/2010 Dan Teifke Cultus Mt. to Mt. Pilchuck ASW-19
05/08/2010 Tony Wiederkehr Sumas Mt. to Mt. Si ASW-27
05/09/2010 Craig Funston Camano Island to Golden Mountain Nimbus 3
Date Pilot Flight Aircraft
06/06/2011 Chris Young Darrington to Mt. Baker LS-8/18
06/09/2011 Travis Brown near Darrington to north end of Baker Lake G102 Astir
Date Pilot Flight Aircraft
05/14/2013 Movses Babayan Lake McMurray to Sultan Ridge G102
05/14/2013 Phil Rose AWO to Stevens Pass DG-1000
06/22/2013 Chris Klix Suiattle Mt. to Mt. Pilchuck LS-7